This Saturday (June 5th) is the goodbye picnic for the Abbott family. It’s time to celebrate and say goodbye to Pastor Jason, Natalie, and the kids.

Time & Activities: The picnic will be from 4 to 7 pm. Drop in anytime. At 5 pm, the elders will kick-off a time of sharing that may involve a little silliness.

Food: There will be cupcakes for the celebration and plenty of water provided by First Free. Bring your own picnic dinner and blankets or chairs to sit on.

Location & Directions: The picnic will be held at LaBagh Woods. Enter on Cicero (NOT Foster). Follow the driveway over the expressway, then turn right at the fork. Drive about a block further and look to your right for the yellow and blue umbrella in front of a cluster of trees/wooded area. (Please be aware that Foster Ave is currently closed between Pulaski and Cicero. Expect a detour if you would normally go that route.) See the map below, or Here’s a map.

Get the Word Out: Since we have finalized the location so late, can you help get the word out? If you know First Free folks who may not know about the picnic or might not check their email too often, it won’t hurt to reach out and make sure they know the details. 

Cards & Gifts: We will have a basket for cards for the Abbotts; if you feel so led, you can include a gift in your card or give anonymously to our treasurer, Sylvia Lauener. (Note: any financial gifts will go directly to the Abbotts, so they are not tax deductible and should not go through the church offering.)

Thanks so much. The Abbotts and all of your First Free family are looking forward to seeing you there!



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