In the midst of the pandemic, the youth of the church have continued to gather in fellowship in a variety of ways. Over the summer, the youth did an intensive Bible study in the book of James called Discipleship in Action. Over 40 days, they studied James and learned how to live out their faith on an everyday basis. Many students explained that the extended time in Scripture and study pushed them in their faith.

In the fall, we gathered in-person and completed our journey through the entire Bible that started several years ago. For the first time, we worshipped together through song on a regular basis, which was amazing! In the winter, we gathered virtually and went through a series on fear and anxiety, learning how to give those things up to God in the midst of hard times. Finally, through the spring we have been doing a series on identity, learning how to see ourselves not through what we do but what Christ has done.

As the school year comes to a close, we are gathering a youth worship team to raise up the next generation of worshippers. Overall, this year has posed many challenges, but the youth of this church have shown time and time again the power of Christian community. They have supported each other through hard circumstances and have learned to depend on God even more. We’re excited to see how God continues to grow these young men and women into the future for His glory. 

Josiah Haas
Ministry Apprentice

Despite all of the challenges this past year, the Youth Ministry Team was able to pivot between meeting on Zoom, at Winnemac Park, in the church parking lot and inside at church. Officially, we have 36 youth in our program. Given the circumstances of the past year, it was truly amazing that we averaged 16 youth for our Zoom meetings and 22 youth for our in-person meetings!!

After a very successful 40-day Discipleship in Action program on Sunday nights during June and July, (as detailed by Josiah Haas above), the youth leaders decided to make a big change beginning in the Fall of 2020. Rather than try to continue with a morning Sunday School format, we opted to expand our Youth Night programming instead and have consistently met at least twice a month. Thankfully, most of these meetings have been in person, either at the park or at church, and this has been so life-giving!

We have been beyond blessed to have such dedicated and awesome Youth leaders: Jo and Amy Ragsdale, Josiah Haas, Ruthie Nix, Jonathan Lim, Mindy Wilkin, Cass Dekker, Jeff Korte, and Emily Lee. And we are so very grateful to have Meg Parks as our behind-the-scenes prayer warrior. This program would not be the same without all of their support and love for our youth, especially over the past year. They have built into the lives of these youth, day in and day out—praying for them, encouraging them, meeting with them, and living out our youth mission statement: finding our story within the story of God and helping others to find their story.

As we prepare to say goodbye to Jo and Amy Ragsdale, Josiah Haas, Ruthie Nix (and possibly Cass Dekker) as they embark on new adventures, it is decidedly bittersweet for all of us, youth and leaders alike. They have been such an instrumental part of this program, in ways both big and small, and they will each be sorely missed. Thank you for giving so freely and sacrificially of yourselves.

Over the summer, we plan to have monthly family-friendly Youth gatherings and we anticipate continuing with our expanded Youth Night programming in the Fall. Although we do not know what the future holds, we trust that God is in control, and we look forward to seeing how God will continue to move among our Youth.

Andrea Korte
Youth Deacon



One response

  1. A huge thank you for your sacrificial ministry to our youth, especially during such a challenging time. I remember and appreciate those who ministered to me growing up, and I know our kids will forever be grateful to you all. Blessings to those who are moving on and to those who remain.

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